Corporate Gifts of $50 to $1,500
Small businesses are the cornerstone of all community's economic prosperity. Another important component of a vibrant community is a strong arts and cultural presence. Arts and culture organizations like Piedmont Arts funnel event-related spending into small businesses like restaurants, hotels, retail stores and other local businesses.
With an investment of as little as $50, you can become a Small Business Partner and help sustain and grow the arts in our community.
Your Small Business Partner investment helps support:
- Performing arts, workshops, exhibits and educational programs that impact over 40,000 students and visitors each year
- Treasure Chests, an program providing free educational aids to local teachers and students
- Free performing arts events in the galleries for over 1,200 preschoolers each year
- Art scholarships for local high school and college students
Piedmont Arts is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Make a Donation