Jamestowne 1607 Treasure Chest
DVDs, CDs and Books
1. Colonial Life for Children: Jamestown
2. Jamestown: The Beginning
3. The Baltimore Consort Play 17th Century Music
4. Jamestowne's Uncovered Treasures
5. Tools
6. Food Items
7. Bilbo Catcher and Whirligig toys
8. Lantern Model
9. Quill Pens
10. Seals and Wax
11. Jaw Harp
12. Diptych Sundial
13. Redware Mug
14. Bartering Items
15. British Coins - Pieces of Eight
16. Tin Candle Holder and Beeswax Candle
17. Leather Flask
18 Girls Sampler
19. Trencher
20. Powder Horn
21. Brick of Green Tea
22. Horn Book
23. Likenesses of Pocahontas and John Smith
Costumes and Figures
24. Powhatan Indians
25. Powhatan Home
26. Jamestown Settlers
27. Settler's Home
28. Activity Packet
Additional Items Available on Request
29. Maps of 1607 Virginia
30. Document of First Residents of Jamestown
31. Ship Models