Sponsored by Brenda Ayers, Bunco Babes, Chix with Stix, Martha Drane, Floyd Quilt Guild, Inc. Marty Gardner, Suzanne Hutchens, Lynwood Artists, Anne & Gene Madonia, Nancy Philpott, Betty Lou & Ron Pigg, Stitch Party Studio, Julie Thomas, Virginia Consortium of Quilters, Virginia Foothills Quilters Guild and Lynn & Noel Ward
The Lynwood Artists Gallery features work by Virginia Foothills Quilters Guild. This biennial group exhibition includes everything from wearables to wall hangings to good, old-fashioned bed coverings.
The Lynwood Artists Gallery is curated by Lynwood Artists, an organization for practicing artists in the Martinsville-Henry County area. Its members share a desire to stimulate understanding and enjoyment of fine art and the artistic process, while providing area artists with opportunities to exhibit and further develop their talents.